Tim Curry Rocks

Starting April 30 I'll be singing this beautiful song for my little sweetheart.

We are Volunteers Fighting Disease,
And we're cheerful all day long.
If someone said that we were sad,
That person would be wrong.

We visit people who are sick,
And try to make them smile,
Even if their noses bleed,
Or if they cough up bile.

Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee,
Hope you get well soon.
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee,
Have a heart-shaped balloon.

We visit people who are ill,
And try to make them laugh,
Even when the doctor says
He must saw them in half.

We sing and sing all night and day,
And then we sing some more.
We sing to boys with broken bones
And girls whose throats are sore.

Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee,
Hope you get well soon.
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee,
Have a heart-shaped balloon.

We sing to men with measles,
And to women with the flu,
And if you breathe in deadly germs,
We'll probably sing to you.

Tra la la, Fiddle dee dee,
Hope you get well soon.
Ho ho ho, hee hee hee,
Have a heart-shaped balloon.

If you haven't heard this audio series yet, you I have been missing a lot.
This unforgettable voice belongs to Tim Curry
And the book he's reading is the best non-children's book I've ever read. I suggest you listen to it.
Мы братья-волонтеры, с болезнью борцы,
Поем-распеваем день напролет,
Кто нас печальными зовет,
Бессовестно тот соврет.
Мы ходим по больнице, больных веселя,
А ну-ка, улыбнитесь, страдальцы по весь рот,
Хотя б у вас из носу кровь,
Хотя вас желчью рвет.
Тра-ла-ла, все трынь-трава,
Уйдет болезнь, конечно.
Возьми – хи-хи! Возьми – ха-ха!
Воздушное сердечко.
Приедем мы в больницы, в палаты войдем
И примемся тут же до колик смешить
Тех, кого доктор посулил
На части распилить.
Поем мы днем и ночью, ночью и днем,
Поем для тех, кто бодрствует, поем для тех, что спят.
И для детей, что смазаны
Зеленкою до пят.
Тра-ла-ла, все трын-трава!
Уйдет болезнь, конечно.
Возьми, хи-хи! возьми, ха-ха!
Воздушное сердечко.

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