List of Collective Nouns
The most-effective teachers are able to use humor in the classroom. Chapter 3 presents twenty-five ways to do that. Activity #21 suggests using collective nouns. If you want examples to show participants, here’s an irresistible collection of traditional and more-imaginative forms:An agenda of tasks A chattering of choughs A cry of hounds
An armada of ships A chorus of angels A culture of bacteria
An army of ants A class of students A deceit of lapwings
An army of caterpillars A cloud of gnats A descent of woodpeckers
An army of frogs A clowder of cats A dissimulation of birds
An audit of bookkeepers A cluster of grasshoppers A division of soldiers
An aurora of polar bears A clutch of chicks A donut of data
A balance of accountants A clutch of eggs A down of hares
A bale of turtles A clutter of cats A draught of fish
A band of gorillas A collective of nouns A dray of squirrels
A band of jays A colony of ants A drift of swine
A bank of monitors A colony of bats A drove of cattle
A barren of mules A colony of beavers A duel of doves
A bed of clams A colony of gulls An exaltation of larks
A bed of snakes A colony of penguins A field of racehorses
A belt of asteroids A colony of rats A fistful of dollars
A bevy of swans A company of parrots A flange of baboons
A blessing of unicorns A company of soldiers A fleet of ships
A bouquet of pheasants A conflagration of arsonists A flight of cormorants
A brace of grouse A congregation of plovers A flight of goshawks
A brigade of soldiers A congress of baboons A flight of swallows
A brood of hens A conspiracy of ravens A flink of cows
A bunch of things A constellation of satellites A flock of sheep
A bury of conies A convocation of eagles A flock of tourists
A business of ferrets A cover of coots A flotilla of ships
A business of flies A covey of grouse A gaggle of geese
A cast of actors A covey of partridges A galaxy of stars
A cast of falcons A covey of pheasants A galaxy of starlets
A cast of hawks A covey of quail A gam of whales
A cavalcade of horsemen A cowardice of curs A gang of elk
A chain of islands A crash of rhinoceroses A gang of hoodlums
A charm of finches A crowd of onlookers A geek of engineers
500 Creative Classroom Techniques for Teachers and Trainers
A giggle of girls A paddling of ducks A patch of flowers
A grove of trees A pair of horses A sord of mallards
A heap of trash A parliament of owls A sounder of swine
A herd of elephants A peep of chickens A spring of seals
A hill of beans A piteousness of doves A spring of teal
A hive of bees A pitying of turtledoves A squad of soldiers
A horde of gnats A plague of locusts A staff of employees
A host of angels A platoon of soldiers A stand of trees
A host of sparrows A plump of waterfowl A streak of tigers
A hover of trout A pod of seals A string of ponies
A huddle of lawyers A pod of whales A stud of mares
A husk of hares A pod of dolphins A swarm of bees
A kettle of hawks A ponder of philosophers A swarm of rats
A kindle of kittens A prickle of hedgehogs A team of athletes
A knot of toads A pride of lions A team of ducks
A leap of hares A rabble of rats A team of horses
A leap of leopards A rafter of turkeys A tiding of magpies
A leash of foxes A range of mountains A tribe of goats
A litter of pigs A richness of martens A tribe of monkeys
A mob of kangaroos A ring of keys A tribe of natives
A murder of crows A rout of wolves A troop of kangaroos
A murmuration of starlings A school of fish A troupe of performers
A muster of peacocks A sedge of cranes A tumult of tubas
A muster of storks A set of mathematicians A vagary of impediments
A mute of hounds A shoal of bass A volery of birds
A nest of mice A shrewdness of apes A walk of snipe
A nest of rabbits A siege of herons A watch of nightingales
A nest of vipers A singular of boars A wealth of information
A network of computers A skein of geese A wedge of geese
A number of mathematicians A skulk of foxes A wedge of swans
A nye of pheasants A slew of homework A whistle of modems
An ostentation of peacocks A slither of snakes A wisdom of grandparents
A pack of hounds A sloth of bears A wisp of snipe
A pack of rats A sneak of weasels A woop of gorillas
A pack of wolves A party of jays
You're not gonna tell me English is a very easy language.