Creative Punisment: Lesson

Do it as a puzzle activity .
1. Match the following punishments to the definitions below:
1.     a fine
2.     a prison sentence
3.     a suspended prison sentence
4.     community service
5.     tagging
6.     the death penalty
7.     corporal punishment
8.     solitary confinement

a.     you go to prison
b.     you have to pay money punishment
c.      you have to spend some time working for the local community
d.     you are beaten or punished physically in some way
e.     you are killed (for example, by hanging, electrocution, or some other way)
f.       you can live at home, but if you commit another crime, you will be sent to prison
g.     you are kept in prison on your own - away from the prisoners
h.     you have an electronic device fitted to your body so that the police always know where are

 2. Discuss with these questions in pairs:
1.     Which of the above punishments are used in your country?
2.     What other punishments are used?
3.     What is the reasoning behind each different type of punishment?
4.     Which punishment is the most effective? Which is the least effective?
 Add the words from the previous lesson "definitions only" (petty crimes and felonies)
5. Should the perpetrator of the crime :
- be arrested, convicted and fined or executed
- be give a 1-2-3 ... -year sentence? life sentence?

Read the article below and then answer the use questions:
1.     what sentences were given for a) shoplifting b) drunk driving?
2.     What does one woman think are the benefits of these sentences?

Let the punishment fit the crime

In a number of quirks in the United States of America naming and shaming is working. If you are found guilty of shoplifting, you may expect a fine or a short prison sentence, but you might actually receive a totally different parchment. You could have suspended a couple weeks walking up and down the street outside the store you stole from, carried a sign that reads: “I'm a thief. Do not steal it? This could be you.”

This somewhat eccentric sentencing policy had an effect. Consider the drunk driver forced to confront the consequences of his actions every week for five years will stop his sentence was to write a one dollar check every Friday to the man whose daughter he ran over. At the bottom of each check he had to write ”for causing the death of your daughter.”

She and offenders often do not like the sentences - and that is the point. “Shame makes you stop and think,” says a woman with the recent conviction for theft. “It gave me a humility, which helped me. And if other people see the sign, maybe the old think twice before the commit a crime. ”

  The only question is: how far will we go down this road? We'll each town revive its public stocks? Will some be going along to throw tomatoes and rotten egg's is convicted criminals? It is as step forward or a step back?

Look at these statements about the article you read. Then say if you agree or disagree

1. I don't think humiliation is a good way to punish people. It schools we don't humiliate children and the longer elevated misbehaved. We shouldn't do it to adults either.

2. The punishment for the drunk driver is not enough. It's a clever idea, but this man should also be spending a substantial time in prison.

3. I think the punishment for shoplifting is far too lenient. A few weeks in prison would be much more effective.

4.These types of punishment are a step back to was the Middle Ages will stop surely civilization has progressed since then. What will these people want next? Public hangings?
 Compare your answer is in groups or in pairs.

In an effort to stop petty crime, your government wants to develop a new and radical system of punishments for dealing with minor criminals. Working. And by suitably imaginative punishments for people who:
1.     steal stationery and pen from the employer
2.     break the speed limit when driving
3.     lead a restaurant without paying the bill
4.     pick pockets
5.     park illegally
6.     steal mobile phones
For example: people who steal mobile phones should:
-        be made to work in a call center for two years
-        spend one day a week for a year cleaning public phone boxes
-        the fitted with an electronic device that blocks mobile phone signals for a distance of 10 m from the wearer.

 Creative Punishment  
This one is ideal for chain retelling. Distribute parts 1 - 5. Give SS a couple of minutes to say what they've read not using the complex vocabulary. Let them dicide what the most creative punishment fo each offender will be.

1.When Michele Murray was arrested for abandoning some kittens in a forest she expected to get a fine or a short prison sentence. Instead she was sentenced to spend the night in the same cold, dark forest. In the end it was so cold that she only had to spend three hours in the woods, but Judge Mike Cicconetti had made his point. He wanted the 26-year-old Hiram housewife to feel the same pain and suffering as the animals she had abandoned, many of which later died.

 2.Judge Cicconetti’s unusual ruling was just the latest example of his unique brand of “creative” justice which has made him popular with the nation. He was elected unopposed to serve another six years in Lake County, Ohio, last month, and this year won the presidency of the American Judges Association.

 3.Cicconetti allows offenders to choose between jail, and an alternative, “creative” sentence. For example, people accused of speeding are offered a choice between having their license suspended for 90 days or having it suspended for a shorter period and spend one day working as a school crossing guard. A judge said that offenders could spend a day helping schoolchildren across the street never appear in the courtroom for speeding again.

4.Cinconetti attributes his unusual approach to his tough family background.  He was the oldest of nine children and had to work part-time collecting rubbish to pay his way through college. He studied law at night school. “I didn't go to a prestigious law firm,” he says. “I had to get to where I am the hard way. It makes you understand what the working man has to go through, and why some of them commit crimes. I want to give people a positive lesson, not a negative one.

5.His office is full of thank you letters from both victims and criminals. ” Some people will say that my punishments are cruel or unusual, ” the judge says. “Okay, it's a little bit of embarrassment and humiliation. But when you have people fulfilling their sentences, you are doing it for them and the victims in the community.  And above all, I remember only one time when my punishment didn't work .”
The cards:

1.     The police arrested a 24-year-old man waving a gun on a bus.
2.     A 30-year-old John Harris shot his neighbour’s dog saying he couldn’t fall asleep because of the barking.
3.     Two teenagers scrawled “666”on a figure of Jesus.
4.     3 teenagers flattened tires on school buses for fun.
5.     A man shouted "pigs" at police officers.
6.     A man stole a red collection kettle with about $250 from the Salvation Army.
7.     A woman was convicted of stealing from a church.

 -    A man caught with a loaded gun was sent to a morgue to see corpses.
·     A man who shot a dog was sentenced to donating 40lbs of dog food on every holiday to the Lake County Animal Shelter.
·    Two teenagers who scrawled 666 on a nativity figure of Jesus had to lead a donkey through the streets, with a sign saying: "Sorry for the jackass offense."
·   Teenagers who flattened tires on school buses were ordered to throw a picnic for primary school children.
·   A man who shouted "pigs" at police officers was made to stand on a street corner with a pig and a sign that said "This is not a police officer."
·   Three men soliciting sex ordered to wear chicken suit holding sign that reads, "No Chicken Ranch in Painesville."
·        In January 2008, Cicconetti sentenced a man who stole a red collection kettle with about $250 from the Salvation Army to spend 24 hours homeless [4]
·        A woman who was convicted of stealing from a church was ordered to spell out the sentence "I stole coins from this church and apologize to each worshipper as they enter the church." entirely in coins.

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