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Cockroach-eating record bid
Find the following English words in the story:
Надеяться, книги рекордов, развивать, вкус, утверждать, любовь, уверен в том, что, страх,

An Indian man hopes to get his name in the record books by eating 50 cockroaches in a minute.
Ramesh Kumar, from the southern city of Coimbatore, says he has eaten cockroaches since childhood.
He says he has developed a taste for the pests and also claims a fondness for other insects and lizards.
The goldsmith told Asian News International the current cockroach eating record was 36 in a minute but he was confident of eating 50.
He said: "I do not have any kind of fear from them. One day I tried to taste a cockroach and I liked it very much and thought of making a record by it."
The 26-year-old is also planning to stay in a glass case filled with 25,000 cockroaches for three days.
P.S. The 26-year-old is also planning to stay in a glass case filled with 25,000 cockroaches for three days.А о чём мечтаете вы?

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