Memorizzzee zziii wiiiirrrdddz ...
толкать на рельсовый путь, регулярно совершающий поездки в город (обычно на работу), застрять, тронуться (о поезде), набирать скорость, не смочь уцепиться за, сдавленный (сжатый), кромсать; резать или рвать на клочки, визги, набрались мужества, останки,Riding On the Metro
When you're waiting for the Metro, do you ever wonder what would happen if somebody pushed you onto the track? If so, it might interest you to know what happened to a 58-year-old commuter--let's call her "Missus Farshcar"--who got caught in the door of an elektrichka on the evening of August 10. Farshka was returning to her podmoskovoe home after a relaxing stay in a dom otdykha. She stepped out of her car, Wagon #5, but somehow got stuck in the door. Then the door shut and the train jerked forward, ready to go.
Missus Farshcar screamed for the driver to stop, but he didn't hear her. Other passengers saw what was happening and joined in, screaming, "Stop the train!" But the operator was in a hurry. He didn't check his mirrors like he was supposed to, he didn't hear the screaming, and he didn't stop the train. Which was bad news for Missus Farshcar. As the train slowly gained speed, she lost her grip on the door and fell forward. Her feet were still stuck on the running board, which meant she was squeezed between the train and platform. Hanging upside down, she was dragged, screaming, scraping and shredding bits of flesh and bone for a full 36 meters--that's longer than a blue whale!--before the operator finally reacted to passengers' horrified screeches (= shrills, cries) and hit the brakes. When the platform attendant and train operator finally worked up the courage (набрались мужества) to look at the human remains that used to be Farshcar, they decided there wasn't actually any need to call skoraya pomosh'. Officials scraped as much of the remains as possible off the machinery and announced that they're very, very sorry.
Unless you're learning Russian!
Find the following English equivalents for these Russian words:
1. skoraya pomosh
2. an elektrichka
3. dom otdykha
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